Writers should read, right? Lately, I've been reading books from debut authors like me. Although I tend to prefer fiction, I loved this memoir by sister She Writes Author, Cheryl Suchors. Among its many themes I could resonate with was one that struck me as being similar to a theme in my own novel, Gina in the Floating World, as different as it was from Cheryl's midlife quest: goals that shift with circumstances and changing views of the world. Here is the five star review I posted on Goodreads. (Note that she is currently running a giveaway there.}

Cheryl Suchors’ gorgeous and inspiring memoir about her midlife quest to climb the 48 highest mountains in New Hampshire’s rugged White Mountains will leave you both breathless and awe-struck.
From the the opening scene when Suchors has climbed yet another peak, this time to spread the ashes of her best friend and former hiking partner who has died of cancer, we know we are in for an arduous but rewarding journey. From there, the story weaves seamlessly back and forth in time as she initially sets her ambitious goal and then attempts to reach it, one peak at a time.
Along the way, we deepen our knowledge of her motivations, her history, her family, her changing physical and emotional status, and her friendships on and off the trail, and struggle with her as she faces challenges that would have stopped anyone with less determination. Suchors’ use of the present tense when we are on her hikes allows us to be present with her as she takes time to observe and appreciate nature or to converse with her hiking companions.
Her prose is both descriptive and lyrical, and yet, this memoir is a page-turner. It also will appeal to a wide audience, not just those interested in hiking. For me, who can’t imagine doing what Suchors did, it was a story of the importance of friendship and of openness to the lessons of life’s experiences, both good and bad. This wonderful book will make you see your world in ways you never imagined.
Cheryl's book will be published on September 11, and her launch will be at Porter Square Books on September 13, 7pm. You can learn more about Cheryl and her book on her